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How I Created & Started a Business in the Pandemic Doing What You Love to Do and You Can Too Workshop Coming Soon.

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Hello, I'm glad, and Excited to have you here. I'm Angela the Founder and Creator of Emporium Wellbeing Live. During the Height of the Pandemic in March and June 2020 Life changed dramatically for my family and I.


I had to close many of the companies we previously owned which are now coming back and I lost my elderly Mother to Advanced Dementia aged 74 who was still young and had everything to live for. A Medical Professional who studied Mental Health for the Elderly and is sadly Missed.


Being a Carer didn't stop me from bringing my vision or dreams to life because I knew it would serve and help many in the Wellness field which has been decimated because of the Pandemic. I can't change everything but I can bring people who want the service and want to connect with new people and make their businesses profitable again, have fun, and become visible in the world once more.  I will update you when everything is finalised and ready to take bookings it really is exciting times ahead. 


After closing down many of our companies we decided to create at the time something which was exciting fresh and new that would showcase my experiences of my Health Journey and the Healing and renewal of my life thanks to the Wellness fields. The foods that got me well and healed my body.  the reason why I founded and created Emporium Wellbeing Live which was formally Quest Valley but didn't take off. We can understand why now due to the success and movement of Emporium Wellbeing Live. 


Emporium Wellbeing Live will be hosting Small and Medium Workshops that help people who are still affected by business closure and want to restart and or want to start. I show you ways and techniques with some fellow guests who have been hit by the Pandemic and have survived and are now making their way back to being inflow of their passions becoming a bigger success than they ever dreamed. Not even the Pandemic stopped me or the other business owners involved so it should not stop you either. It's time to help others to live life exceptional too!

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